• I chipped a tooth. What can I do?
    You just crunched down on a piece of hard food when you suddenly realize there is something hard still in your mouth. Your nightmare is confirmed when you retrieve a Read more
  • Oral Health during Pregnancy
    Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, as you eagerly wait for the birth of the new addition. Needless to say, pregnancy comes with Read more
  • Why You Need Regular Teeth Cleanings
    Everyone knows that proper oral hygiene habits are important, but there’s a step to oral hygiene that people may be forgetting. Getting regular teeth cleanings from your dentist is an Read more
  • When a Root Canal Is Necessary
    Without a dental examination, it’s almost impossible to tell if you need a root canal. However, if this type of dental procedure is necessary, Dr. C. Bradley Miller at Columbia Read more
  • When to See an Emergency Dentist
    Are you prepared for a dental emergency? Knowing when you need to call Dr. Brad Miller, your Columbia, MO, dentist at the Columbia Center for Dentistry, will help you ensure Read more
  • Welcome
    Welcome to the Blog of Columbia Center for Dentistry Whether you are an existing patient or searching for an experienced, specialized dentist in the Columbia, MO area, we’re excited you are Read more

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